HOYO Enterprise code:203317 Language: 中文 ENGLISH

Project Operation

CTM model is used by the Hoyo Group for sewage disposal systems with the intention of reducing emissions in equipment renovation, facility expansion, recycling, upgrading and general operating and maintenance. These Carbon credits may then be used on the

Cooperation Model

  A contract is signed with a main emission producer whereby the Hoyo Group will invest in the emission reduction techniques until certain targets are reached after which Hoyo will continue to trade the resulting credits.

  Signing a third party management contract with the main producer of the emissions and undertake all investment, construction, operation and trading of the carbon credits.

  The producer of the emissions transfers a period of management and income rights to Hoyo. After the expiration of the contract, Hoyo shall return the management rights whilst maintaining the emissions trading rights. 

Operating Period

  This mode of operation period will be open to agreement by both parties and is generally in excess of 15 years.

Project Advantage

   Combining professional management and market oriented operation, the Hoyo Group will be responsible for overall design, modular construction and integrated operation.

   The government (client) is responsible for all coordination and policy support.